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Microchip IoT kit for AMAZON WEB SERVICES (AWS)

Development kits AVR-IOT-WA and PIC-IOT-WA from Microchip Technology ensure the simplest and most reliable way of connecting embedded applications with Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud and its services.

Development kits for data transmission by MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY – most important information

Each kit has an integrated microcontroller, a security certificate, and a WiFi module. Thanks to its modular design, and dividing tasks into elements SMART-SECURE-CONNECTED, these kits allow easy migration of embedded solutions to the cloud IoT, including authentification in the AWS cloud.

AVR-IOT-WA and PIC-IOT-WA is delivered with a sample firmware that enables fast connecting and sending of data from light and temperature sensors to the AWS platform. Obviously, this functionality can be enhanced by add-on Click boards from MikroElektronika (you will find several hundred various modules of this manufacturer in TME's catalogue).

Check out Microchip development kits for Amazon cloud »

You can easily generate a configuration code for your own project thanks to free libraries available in Atmel START and MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) environments. Both kits are supported by Atmel Studio and MPLAB X.

We invite you to watch a video presenting a similar kit for Google cloud.

Main data transmission kits features:

  • ATmega4808 / PIC24FJ128GA705 built-in controller,
  • ATECC608A security certificate,
  • WINC1510 WiFi module,
  • 4 x LED,
  • 2 buttons,
  • mikroBUS™ socket,
  • TEMT6000 light sensor,
  • MCP9808 digital temperature sensor,
  • integrated programmer/debugger,
  • powered from the battery or USB
  • integrated controller for Li-Ion/LiPo battery charger.

Symbol: Description:
AVR-IOT-WA Dev.kit:Microchip AVR;ADC,I2C,PWM,SPI,UART,USB 2.0;WiFi
PIC-IOT-WA Dev.kit:Microchip PIC;ADC,I2C,PWM,SPI,UART,USB 2.0;WiFi